il Giappone in Italia

Ladro buono

05.01.2014 23:56

Succede a Tokyo: il 26 dicembre una ragazza viene fermata da un ragazzo che brandisce un coltello e gli chiede i soldi. Lei gli da 3000 yen, ma mentre lui si allontanava lo richiama e gli chiede se poteva restituirgli 2000 yen che aveva un conto da pagare. Lui le restituisce 2000 yen e se ne va...



Da JapanToday:


Tokyo woman haggles mugger down to Y1,000

At about 6 a.m. on Dec 26, a young woman was walking down a street in Nakano, Tokyo. Suddenly, she was confronted by a man brandishing a knife and threatening, “Get out all your money and nothing will happen.”

The woman in her 20s complied and passed over 3,000 yen. But that ...wasn’t the end of it.

It’s uncertain if what follows was just a reflex action by the victim. Perhaps she had enough ice water pumping through her veins to keep her wits about her in this situation. Either way, according to media reports, this is the conversation that followed the mugging.

Woman: “Um, could you give back 2,000 yen? I have a bill to pay.”

Mugger: “Oh, really? I see.”

He then promptly gave back the 2,000 yen she asked for and made off with only 1,000 yen.

Internet commenters reacted saying, “Hahaha! I probably wouldn’t have reported him if it was me” and “He’s probably a nice guy deep down.” Others disagreed saying, “If he was such a good guy, then he wouldn’t have tried mugging people in the first place.”

However, Tokyo Metropolitan Police are not treating him as a good guy in a funny situation and are trying to track the suspect down for armed robbery. The suspect is a male in his 20s or 30s, about 175cm tall and was wearing a black jacket and blue knit cap. Police believe him to be armed, dangerous, and open to negotiation.

